
Why this site?

Screenshots in video summaries helps me to follow/memorise the content better. I couldn't find a video summary application that included screenshots, so I created one.

Is it free?

Yes, for now. There is a limit of two video summaries/IP address/day.

How does it work?

You paste a YouTube link, and the app generates a visual summary with text and screenshots of the video. GPT4 is used in the backend to generate the summary and select the screenshots to include.

What is the purpose?

I find it particularly useful for educational videos like courses, tutorials, conference talks, and documentaries where visuals matter.

How can I support it?

If you are interested in supporting it in any way (e.g. sponsoring or other), let me know!


I’d love to hear some feedback and suggestions for improvement. You can contact me on LinkedIn, or use the form below: